Study Opportunities In Exploration, Mining and Petroleum Geology 2024-25

Study Opportunities In Exploration, Mining and Petroleum Geology 2024-25


Student of ESIS on fieldwork
The management of Earth Sciences Institute of Shinyanga (ESIS) invites application to study Basic Certificate and Ordinary Diploma in Exploration and Mining Geology and Petroleum Geology for the academic year 2024/25.


¨ Basic Certificate and Ordinary Diploma in Exploration & Mining Geology

¨ Basic Certificate and Ordinary Diploma in Petroleum Geology


  • The college is located in Shinyanga town and fully registered by NACTVET with registration no. REG/SAT/158
  • Application forms can be obtained from college website or at offices Located in Open University of Tanzania, Shinyanga Branch.
  • The applicants should posses four D’s in at least two science subjects.
  • Note: The fee is allowed to be paid in four (4) installments per year, at the beginning of each semester and at the end just before the semester exams begin
  • Hostels are available and served on First In First Served basis.  Application deadline will be on February 29, 2024.
ESIS students on their first ever Graduation

For more details, About application forms and tuition fee, please call::

Mobile Number: 0765434604 OR 0687434617; Send email to: [email protected],

For WhatsApp and other social media links, please visit the college website at:




Index Number: (SXXXX/XXXX or PXXXX/XXXX)

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Basic Certificate (NTAL4) Entry Qualifications

Applicants must posses at least four (4) D passes from Certificate of Secondary Education Examination in non-religious subjects. Out of four (4) passes, two (2) must be from science subjects (Physics, Engineering science, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Geography). OR Passed NVTA L3 in Engineering aligned subjects from VETA Registered Institutions.

Technician Certificate (NTAL5) Entry Qualifications

Applicants must posses a relevant NTAL4 from NACTVET Accredited colleges at 2.0GPA

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All Courses

Things to observe when doing application

Entry Requirements:

  1. Entry for NTAL4: Applicants must possess at least four (4) D passes from the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination in non-religious subjects. Out of four (4) passes, two (2) must be from science subjects (Physics, Engineering science, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Geography). OR Passed NVTA L3 in Engineering aligned subjects from VETA VETA-registered institutions OR
  2. Entry for NTAL5: Applicants must possess a relevant NTAL4 from NACTVET Accredited college at 2.0GPA
  3. Entry for NTAL6: Applicants must possess a relevant NTAL5 from NACTVET Accredited college at 2.0GPA

Submit to ESIS a nonrefundable application fee of TZS. 10,000/- to be deposited in Account:

Bank Account Info:

  • Bank name: CRDB, Bank PLC,
  • Account Name: ESIS Limited,
  • Account No:01J1059238400,
  • Branch: CRDB Shinyanga Branch,

Application Checklist:

  1. Copy of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE)
  2. Copy of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education examination (ACSEE) – If any
  3. Copy of other qualification(s) e.g. NVTA3, Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE), if any
  4. Copy of birth certificate
  5. Original Pay-in slip for application fee(TZS. 10,000)

Application and Enrolment Duration:

  1. Application takes place between March and September Every Year
  2. Enrollment process take place in August and September each year
  3. Classes Begin mid-October every year
Mwongozo Wa Utoaji Mikopo Kwa Wanafunzi Wa Stashahada (Cheti Na Diploma)

Mwongozo Wa Utoaji Mikopo Kwa Wanafunzi Wa Stashahada (Cheti Na Diploma)



Waombaji wote wa mikopo ya elimu kwa ngazi ya Stashahada kwa mwaka wa masomo 2023/2024 wanafahamishwa kuzingatia mambo yafuatayo:-

  • Kusoma na kufuata taratibu za maombi katika Mwongozo wa mwaka wa masomo 2023/2024;
  • Kuhakikisha kuwa namba ya mtihani wa kidato cha nne atakayoitumia mwombaji iwe sawa na atakayoombea udahili wa chuo;
  • Kuhakikisha kuwa nyaraka zote za maombi ya mkopo anazowasilisha mwombaji ziwe zimehakikiwa na mamlaka husika;
  • Waombaji wajaze fomu zao kwa ukamilifu na kuzisaini kabla ya kuziwasilisha HESLB kwa njia ya mtandao;
  • Kuhakikisha kwamba vyeti vya kuzaliwa/vifo vimethibitishwa na Wakala wa Usajili, Ufilisi na Udhamini (RITA) au Wakala wa Usajili wa Matukio ya Kijamii Zanzibar (ZCSRA) au Afisa aliyeteuliwa ili kuthibitisha uhalali wa nyaraka hizo;
  • Kwa mwombaji mwenye taarifa zake za benki ajaze kwa usahihi kwenye fomu ya maombi ya mkopo;
  • Kwa mwombaji mwenye Namba ya simu na kitambulisho cha taifa (NIDA) ahakikishe anajaza namba hizo wakati wa kuomba mkopo.
  • Waombaji wote wanakumbushwa kuzingatia muda wa mwisho wa kutuma maombi kwa njia ya mtandao.


Kwa wanafunzi wanaotarajia kuomba mikopo ya elimu kwa ngazi ya Stashahada, dirisha la maombi ya mkopo kwa mwaka wa masomo 2023/2024 litafunguliwa kuanzia tarehe 07 Oktoba, 2023 hadi tarehe 19 Oktoba, 2023.


Sheria na Kanuni za Bodi ya Mikopo zinaainisha sifa na vigezo vya jumla kwa wanafunzi wanaohitaji mkopo baada ya kudahiliwa na vyuo vyenye ithibati. Mwombaji atatakiwa kuwa na sifa zifuatazo:-

3.1       Vigezo vya Msingi vya Mwombaji Mkopo

  • Awe Mtanzania mwenye umri usiozidi miaka 27 wakati wa kuomba mkopo;
  • Awe amedahiliwa katika taasisi ya elimu inayotoa elimu ya ngazi ya kati nchini;
  • Awe amekamilisha na kuwasilisha maombi ya mkopo kupitia mfumo wa maombi ya mkopo (OLAMS);
  • Asiwe na ajira au mkataba wa kazi wa serikalini au sekta binafsi unaompatia mshahara au kipato;
  • Awe amehitimu elimu ya kidato cha nne (CSEE), Cheti (astashahada) au kidato cha sita (ACSEE) au ndani ya miaka mitano; yaani kati ya mwaka 2019 hadi 2023.

3.2    Hali ya Kijamii na Kiuchumi

  • Uyatima; aliyefiwa na mzazi au wazazi
  • Familia au kaya ya kipato duni inayofadhiliwa na Mfuko wa Maendeleo ya Jamii (TASAF) au taasisi nyingine za kitaifa zinazotoa ufadhili kwa kaya zenye vipato duni;
  • Ulemavu wa mwombaji au wazazi wake.


Upangaji wa mikopo utazingatia vipaumbele vifuatavyo:-

  • Mwanafunzi mwenye udahili kwenye programu za vipaumbele vya Taifa kama zilivyofafanuliwa katika Kipengele cha 6 cha Mwongozo huu zitazingatiwa;
  • Ufaulu wa kitaaluma uliomuwezesha kudahiliwa kwa ajili ya elimu ya ngazi ya kati; na
  • Hali ya kijamii kama ilivyofafanuliwa katika kipengele cha 3.2 cha mwongozo huu.


Zifuatazo ni nyaraka muhimu za kuambatisha kwenye maombi ya mkopo: –

  • Cheti cha kuzaliwa kutoka mamlaka husika, ZCSRA kwa waombaji kutoka Zanzibar au namba ya uhakiki (verification number) kutoka RITA kwa waombaji kutoka Tanzania Bara;
  • Vyeti vya vifo vya wazazi kuthibitisha uyatima kutoka mamlaka husika, ZCSRA kwa waombaji kutoka Zanzibar au namba ya uhakiki (verification number) kutoka RITA kwa waombaji kutoka Tanzania Bara;
  • Fomu ya kuthibitisha Ulemavu wa mwombaji iliyoidhinishwa na Mganga Mkuu wa Wilaya (DMO) au Mganga Mkuu wa Mkoa (RMO);
  • Fomu ya kuthibitisha Ulemavu wa mzazi wa mwombaji iliyoidhinishwa na Mganga Mkuu wa Wilaya (DMO) au Mganga Mkuu wa Mkoa (RMO);
  • Namba ya kaya ya Mnufaika kutoka kwenye Mfuko wa Maendeleo ya Jamii (TASAF).


6.1    Maeneo ya Kipaumbele

Mkopo utatolewa katika maeneo makuu sita yakiakisi vipaumbele vya Taifa kama ilivyoainishwa katika tangazo la Serikali Namba 715 la tarehe 29 Septemba 2023. Maeneo hayo ni kama ifuatavyo:-

  • Afya na Sayansi Shirikishi (‘Health & Allied Sciences’);
  • Elimu ya Ualimu (‘Education and Teaching’);
  • Usafiri na Usafirishaji (‘Transport & Logistics’);
  • Uhandisi wa nishati (‘Energy Engineering’);
  • Madini na Sayansi ya ardhi (‘Mining & Earth Science’) na
  • Kilimo na Mifugo (‘Agriculture & livestock’)

6.2    Programu za kipaumbele

Katika mwaka wa masomo 2023/2024 mikopo itatolewa kwa wanafunzi waliodahiliwa katika Program/Stashahada zinazoangukia/zilizomo katika maeneo sita ya kipaumbele yaliyoidhinishwa – rejea kipengele 6.

6.2.1      Afya na Sayansi Shirikishi (Health & Allied Sciences)

Programu katika kundi hili ni kama zifuatazo:-

  • ‘Clinical Dentistry’;
  • ‘Diagnostic Radiotherapy’;
  • ‘Occupational Therapy’;
  • ‘Physiotherapy’;
  • ‘Clinical optometry’;
  • ‘Dental Laboratory technology’;
  • ‘Orthotics & Prosthetics’;
  • ‘Health record & information’;na
  • ‘Electrical and Biomedical Engineering’.

6.2.2      Elimu ya Ualimu (Education and Teaching)

Programu katika kundi hili ni kama zifutazo:-

  • Stashahada za msingi za Ualimu: Stashahada ya Ualimu wa Sayansi katika masomo ya Fizikia, Kemia na Hisabati; na
  • Stashahada za Elimu na Mafunzo ya Ufundi Stadi (TE&VET).

6.2.3  Usafiri na usafirishaji (‘Transport and Logistics’)

Programu katika kundi hili ni kama zifuatazo:-

  • ‘Aircraft Mechanics’;
  • ‘Ship building and repair’;
  • ‘Railway construction and maintenance’; na
  • ‘Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

6.2.4      Uhandisi wa nishati (‘Energy Engineering’)

Programu katika kundi hili ni kama zifuatazo:-

  • ‘Renewable Energy Engineering (Hydro, Wind, Solar)’; na
  • ‘Pipeline, Oil and Gas Engineering’.

6.2.5      Madini na sayansi ya sayari (‘Mining and Earth Science’)

Programu katika kundi hili ni kama zifuatazo:-

  • ‘Lapidary and Jewelry’; na
  • ‘Mineral Processing’.

6.2.6      Kilimo na Ufugaji (‘Agriculture and Livestock’)

Programu katika kundi hili ni kama zifuatazo:-

  • ‘Leather Technology’;
  • ‘Food Technology and Human Nutrition’;
  • ‘Sugar Production Technology’;
  • ‘Veterinary Laboratory Technology’;
  • ‘Horticulture’;
  • ‘Irrigation Engineering’; na
  • ‘Agro Mechanization’.


Waombaji watakaopangiwa mikopo watapangiwa viwango vya fedha kulingana na mahitaji halisi ya vyuoni. Mkopo utagawanywa katika vipengele vya mkopo kwa mtiririko ufuatao: Chakula na Malazi, Ada ya Mafunzo, Gharama za Vitabu na viandikwa, Mahitaji maalumu ya Kitivo, Gharama za Utafiti na Mafunzo kwa Vitendo.

Mkopo utatolewa kwaajili ya kugharamia vipengele vyote au baadhi ya vipengele, kama itakavyochambuliwa na kuidhinishwa.

7.1         Chakula na Malazi

Kiwango cha juu kisichozidi TZS. 7,500.00 kwa siku kitatolewa kulingana na idadi ya siku mwanafunzi atakazokuwa chuoni kama inavyoelekezwa kwenye kalenda ya chuo husika. Kiasi hiki kitalipwa moja kwa moja kwa mwanafunzi.

7.2         Ada ya Mafunzo

Kiwango cha juu cha ada kisichozidi TZS. 1,400,000.00 kwa mwaka kulingana na gharama zinazolipwa katika chuo husika kwa mwaka na kitalipwa moja kwa moja kwa chuo husika.

7.3         Gharama za Vitabu na Viandikwa

Kiwango cha juu cha kisichozidi TZS. 200,000.00 kwa mwaka kwa vitabu na viandikwa na kitatolewa kwa wanafunzi.

7.4         Mahitaji Maalumu ya Kitivo

Kiwango cha juu kisichozidi TZS. 300,000.00 kwa mwaka kulingana na gharama husika zitalipwa moja kwa moja chuoni.

7.5         Mafunzo kwa Vitendo

Kiwango cha juu kisichozidi TZS. 7,500.00 kwa siku hadi siku 56 kwa mwaka, kwa ajili ya Mafunzo kwa Vitendo kitatolewa. Kiasi hicho kitalipwa moja kwa moja kwa mwanafunzi.

7.6    Gharama za Utafiti

Kiasi kisichozidi TZS. 100,000.00 kwa mwaka kitatolewa kwa gharama za utafiti (Project) kwa baadhi ya program kama zilivyoainishwa na chuo husika.


8.1    Wajibu wa Mdhamini na Mzazi/Mlezi

Wazazi/Walezi na wadhamini wana wajibu wa kuthibitisha usahihi wa taarifa ambazo zitawasilishwa katika fomu ya maombi ya mkopo kabla ya kusaini. Mdhamini/Mzazi atatakiwa kuhakikisha kwamba mkopaji anajaza taarifa sahihi zitakazotumika wakati wa urejeshaji. Aidha mdhamini atatakiwa kutoa taarifa za mkopaji na makazi pale atakapochelewa au kushindwa kurejesha mkopo wake.

Kwa mwanafunzi alie na umri chini ya miaka 18 wakati wa kuomba mkopo atalazimika kujaza tamko rasmi (declaration) kuridhia kuendelea kupokea mkopo pindi atakapotimiza umri wa miaka 18.

Mwombaji wa mkopo anapaswa kuambatanisha picha (passport size) ya mdhamini na nakala ya kitambulisho kimojawapo kati ya vilivyotajwa hapo chini ambacho kimetolewa na mamlaka za Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania au Serikali ya Mapinduzi Zanzibar:-

  • Kitambulisho cha Taifa
  • Kadi ya mpiga kura
  • Leseni ya udereva
  • Pasi ya kusafiria
  • Kitambulisho cha Mzanzibari Mkaazi

8.2    Urejeshaji Mkopo

Baada ya kuhitimu masomo ya elimu ya kati, mnufaika wa mkopo atatakiwa kurejesha mkopo wake wote kwa makato yasiyopungua asilimia kumi na tano (15%) ya mshahara wake wa kila mwezi au kiwango kisichopungua TZS 100,000.00 kwa mwezi kwa Mnufaika aliyejiajiri kwenye sekta isiyo rasmi. Iwapo mnufaika ataachishwa/atakatisha masomo, mkopo huo wote utalipwa kwa mkupuo. Mikopo yote inatozwa asilimia moja (1%) ya ada ya uendeshaji kwenye deni la msingi la mnufaika kwa mara moja.


Endapo Mnufaika wa mkopo atabadilisha programu ya masomo ndani ya chuo chake, mkopo/stahili zake zitahamishwa na HESLB baada ya kupokea uthibitisho wa chuo chake. HESLB haitafanya malipo kwa wanafunzi ambao watahamia vyuo vingine kwa hiari yao ama kuhamia programu ambazo sio za kipaumbele zilizotajwa katika kipengele cha 6 cha mwongozo huu.

Uhamisho wa mkopo hautabadilisha kiwango cha mkopo kilichopangwa awali isipokuwa tu pale ambapo mwanafunzi amehamishwa na mamlaka.


Maombi yote ya mkopo yatafanyika kupitia Mfumo wa Maombi na Usimamizi wa Mikopo (OLAMS). Waombaji wote wa mikopo WANAKUMBUSHWA kutumia namba ileile ya Mtihani wa Kidato cha Nne iliyotumika wakati wa udahili.

Baada ya kukamilika kwa mchakato wa maombi kwenye mtandao, waombaji watapaswa kupakua nakala za fomu za maombi na mikataba ya mkopo kwenye mtandao, kugonga mihuri sehemu husika, kusaini fomu, kuambatanisha nyaraka zinazohitajika na kuziwasilisha kurasa zilizosainiwa (namba 2 na 5) ya fomu ya maombi katika OLAMS.

Mwombaji anatakiwa kupakua fomu sahihi kwa kuzingatia fomu ya mwombaji aliye na umri chini ya miaka 18 ama aliye juu ya miaka 18.


Waombaji wanapaswa kulipia ada ya maombi ya mkopo ya kiasi cha shilingi elfu thelathini (30,000.00) kwa namba ya kumbukumbu ya malipo wanayoipata katika mfumo na kulipia kupitia Benki (NMB, CRDB, TCB, NBC) au kwa mitandao ya simu

(Airtel  Money,  HaloPesa,  T-Pesa,  AzamPesa,  M-Pesa,  EzyPesa/TigoPesa).

Kwa maelezo zaidi tembelea:


Orodha ya waombaji mikopo watakaopangiwa mikopo itatangazwa kupitia akaunti za kudumu za waombaji mikopo (SIPA) zilizotumiwa wakati wa kuomba mkopo au kwenye tovuti ya HESLB: baada ya mikopo kuidhinishwa.


Waombaji au wanufaika wa mikopo wenye maswali au malalamiko watapaswa kufuata taratibu zilizoainishwa kwenye dawati la msaada la dirisha la maombi ya mkopo.

Imetolewa na:-


OKTOBA, 2023

Nafasi ya Kazi: Msimamizi wa Wanafunzi – Warden

Nafasi ya Kazi: Msimamizi wa Wanafunzi – Warden

Private File - Access Forbidden

Chuo cha Madini Shinyanga (ESIS), kinawatangazia wananchi wote wenye sifa nafasi ya ajira ya Msimamizi wa Wanafunzi (Warden). Hivyo wahitimu wote kutoka vyuo vinavyotambuliwa na serikali wanatangaziwa kutuma maombi ya kazi kuanzia tarehe 10-20 septemba, 2023. Nafasi
iliyopo ni kwa wahitimu kuanzia elimu ya shahada na kuendelea.


1.1 Waombaji wote wanatakiwa kuwa na sifa za jumla kama ifuatavyo:

i.  Awe raia ya Tanzania;
ii. Awe na umri usiopungua miaka 25;
iii. Awe na vyeti kamili vya mafunzo ya fani aliyosomea (Cheti cha kidato cha nne, sita
pamoja na cheti cha Taaluma ya fani aliyosoma.
iv. Asiwe Mwajiriwa wa Serikali au Taasisi nyingine;
v. Awe hajawahi kufukuzwa, kuacha kazi au kupatikana na hatia ya kosa la jinai;
vi. Awe na Namba ya Kitambulisho cha Taifa (NIDA); na
vii. Aambatanishe nakala ya cheti cha kuzaliwa.


i. Waombaji wote wawe tayari kufanya kazi zingine watakazopangiwa;
ii. Waombaji wote wahakikishe wanatuma fomu za maombi na kuambatanisha nyaraka zote
iii. Maombi ya ajira ni bure.
Ili kupata maelezo ya kina kuhusiana na sifa za waombaji na taratibu za utumaji wa mombi,
wasiliana nasi kupitia namba za simu +255 765 434 604 au +255 687 434 617.
Maombi yote yatumwe kwa njia ya Barua pepe [email protected] au [email protected]
Mwisho wa kupokea maombi ni tarehe 20 septemba, 2023 saa 05:59 usiku. Tangazo hili
linapatikana katika tovuti ifuatayo:

Private File - Access Forbidden

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TVET Qualifications Framework

Act No. 9 of 1997 empowers the Council “to establish awards in technical education which are consistent in standard and comparable to related awards at national and international levels”.

NACTE awards are known as National Technical Awards (NTA) and adopt a Competence-based (CBET) modular system (credit-based).

The Council has to set qualifications standards for the awards, hence the objectives.

The NTA are designed to testify that the holder of the award is able to apply competently the knowledge and skills described in the relevant occupational sector.

The NTA system has seven levels linked to a three level system of VETA, known as National Vocational Training Awards (NVTA), to provide a ten level framework of Technical and Vocational (TVET) qualifications.

Each NTA qualification has a broad competence level descriptor.

TVET Qualifications Framework

Level Award
NVTA 1 Certificate of Competence – Level I
NVTA 2 Certificate of Competence – Level II
NVTA 3 Certificate of Competence – Level III
NTA    4 Basic Technician Certificate
NTA    5 Technician Certificate
NTA    6 Ordinary Diploma
NTA    7 Higher Diploma
NTA    8 Bachelors Degree
NTA    9 Masters Degree
NTA  10 Doctor of Philosophy

Competence Level Descriptors

Level Competence Descriptor
NTA    4Basic Technician Certificate Apply skills and knowledge at routine level.
NTA    5Technician Certificate Apply skills and knowledge in a range of activities, some of which are non-routine and be able to assume operational responsibilities.
NTA    6Ordinary Diploma Apply skills and knowledge in a broad range of work activities, most of which are non-routine.
NTA    7Higher Diploma Apply knowledge, skills and understanding in a broad range of complex technical activities, a high degree of personal responsibility and some responsibility for work of others.
NTA    8Bachelors Degree Apply knowledge, skills and understanding in a wide and unpredictable variety of contexts with substantial personal responsibility, responsibility for the work of others and responsibility for the allocation of resources, policy, planning, execution and evaluation.
NTA    9Masters Degree Display mastery of a complex and specialized area of knowledge and skills, employing knowledge and understanding to conduct research or advanced technical or professional activity, able to work autonomously and in complex and unpredictable situations.
NTA  10Doctor of Philosophy Apply knowledge and understanding and do advanced research resulting into significant and original contributions to a specialised field, demonstrate a command of methodological issues and engaging in critical dialogue with peers, able to work autonomously and in complex and unpredictable situations.

Description of Awards

Intermediate Professional Awards

NTA    4Basic Technician Certificate Part of Technician Certificate Programme; a bridging stage to equip leavers of VETA, Academic and Technical Secondary Schools with basic intermediate professional competencies.
NTA    5Technician Certificate Stage for imparting key intermediate professional competencies; graduates may proceed to study for Ordinary Diploma.
NTA    6Ordinary Diploma Stage for imparting full intermediate professional competencies; graduates may proceed to study for Bachelors Degree.

Undergraduate Awards

NTA    7Higher Diploma Part of Bachelors DegreeAward providing an exit to students who may need a break before completing the degree programme or have failed at the final degree stage.
NTA    8Bachelors Degree Stage for imparting full professional competencies.Graduates may proceed to do a Masters Degree.

Graduate Awards

NTA    9Masters Degree A stage for professional specialization; graduates may proceed for Doctor of Philosophy studies.
NTA  10Doctor of Philosophy A stage for contributing to the existing body of knowledge through applied research; graduates may proceed with life–long learning.

Comparative Training Duration

Year Technical Qualification Secondary / University Qualification
1 Basic Technician Certificate Form V
2 Technician Certificate Form V I
3 Ordinary Diploma University Year 1
4 Part of Higher Diploma University Year 2
5 Higher Diploma University Year 3
6 Bachelor Degree BSc Degree

Credit Values

A credit is an award made to learners in recognition of learning achievement, expressed through estimation of notional (average) learning time.

A notional time is a period spent by an average student in learning about something towards realizing a learning outcome.

1 credit = 10 notional hours.

NACTE Credit System

NTA Level Minimum Total Credits Min CurrentNTA Level Credits Max Credits From LowestNTA Level
4 120 120     0   (Nil)
5 120 120 0   (NTA 4)
6 240 120 30 (NTA 5)
7 360 120 30 (NTA 5)
8 480 120 30 (NTA 5)
9 180 150 30 (NTA 8)
10 540 360 30 (NTA 8)



In Campus Students

Annual Fee Per semester fee First Installment

To be paid During Reporting

Second Installment

To be paid after 3 months  from the date of reporting

2,443,440/= 1,221,700/= 610,850/= 610,850/=

Off-Campus Students


Annual Fee Per semester fee First Installment

To be paid during the reporting

Second Installment

To be paid after 3 months from the date of reporting







520,850/= 520,850/=


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